Thursday 7 November 2013


A very busy week is coming to an end (almost) and as stressful as its been, it has been incredibly productive. Both at work and outside of it. 

Ever day this week I have been running around like a loony at work, with a 1000 tasks to do and only a working day and me to sort it all out. My week started off with a bang (figuratively speaking) on Monday; I was working flat out all day. So when my friend Rosie suggested meeting for after-work drinks, I was more than happy to say yes! We met at the National Theatre and had a couple of glasses of wine at the bar. It's not a place that I ever considered going to for a drink (I limit it to theatre-going) but having met up just before the 7:30pm showing started, the place was so quiet and chilled within minutes; it was the perfect place to chat away. 
Turns out, wine was probably not the best of ideas, since I ended up having the worst night's sleep and was a bit of a zombie the following long. After yet another hectic day and a gym session, I came home to a lovely dinner which Natz cooked for everyone. It was great to just sit at a table (whilst eating some delicious food) and catch up with everyone since I've felt that I haven't seen everyone in one place in a while. After dinner, we all headed out to Wimbledon Park to finish the night off with a bang (literally) for Bonfire Night. 

I've known that Wimbledon Park was having fireworks for a while and figured that we would show up, pay for entry, watch some fireworks and make the (short) walk home. Not so. Apparently the Wimbledon Park fireworks are a huge deal! The queues were so long that we decided to wait across the road and watch from there. Long story short: the fireworks started a lot later than promised (Dan gave up 20mins in an went back to the flat) and after a lot of standing around we managed to get into the park once the firework display started. And it was quite a display. In fact the whole place was unrecognisable - there were huge bonfires, fun fair rides and candy floss everywhere and lots of loud music as the fireworks went off (not quite the mellow park that people go for runs in or walk their dogs). I was too tired (and cold) to go on any of the rides, so after the impressive display, headed back home and got myself into bed. 
I don't know about everyone else but I haven't been handling the clock-change very well and have not been impressed with finishing work when it's dark outside. It makes for a very tired Roo! The only saving grace is the way the city looks at night. Leaving work when it's dark just reminds me how beautiful London is at night time! It's the main reason why unlike most (normal) people, I try to do something after work during the dark, winter nights: to see the city in all its glory. 
And on another good note, I am only one sleep (and a full day of work) away from the weekend! 



Roo xx

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