Friday 25 January 2013

Football, anyone?

This Monday saw the big event: my brother Rudy's 14th birthday. I have been very excited about the occasion since I got him the best present which I was dying for him to open! I got my fanatic Arsenal-fan brother tickets to Wednesday night's match at the Emirates Stadium: Arsenal v West Ham.

Now I am not a big football fan. I follow it a little bit, more than anything to maintain my sibling relationship with my little brother. When I was at university, the only conversation Rudy could maintain was one about football, so I took it upon myself to pay more attention to it. Having bought him a ticket, I had to buy one for myself (and my cousin Dontatas and his friend Julius, who decided to come along too) and attend my first ever football match.
The birthday boy

The greenest, nicest stadium and pitch ever 
Trying to stay warm at half time with tea and hot chocolate
Anyway, in spite of the freezing cold, I actually had a really good time. The stadium was incredible, with amazing seats (even though we were sitting at the very back) and with everyone cheering on the home team, it was hard not to get into the football spirit and cheer the team on. And to top it all off, Arsenal ended up winning 5 - 1 which left my brother ecstatic (along with most of the stadium) and thanking me every 10 minutes for the ticket. All in all, a very successful first ever football trip!

Having said that, the rest of the week has been pretty tough - we didn't get back until after midnight on Wednesday and with my alarm going off at 5.40 every morning, to get me to work, I have been feeling incredibly tired. I like my sleep!

Anyway, I am incredibly happy to say that it's Friday! I hope everyone has the most wonderful weekend and I promise to have less football-focused posts :)

I walk past this road every day on my way to work and
every Friday, it brings a smile to my face


Roo xx

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