Sunday 27 October 2013

Lots of food and even more laughter

It's that time of the week again. It's Sunday evening and time to start getting ready for a brand new week. In my world, that mainly consists of watching some telly and having an early night (yes, I am hard core) which after yet another crazy weekend will probably involve and earlier night than usual.

As I mentioned in my last post, yesterday me and Chloe went out for a night of dancing in Wimbledon (you can guess where exactly we went). We both had the best night! As the night out was really impromptu, there was absolutely no pressure so we drank and danced the night away, laughing more than I thought was possible.
This morning, we woke up a little worse for wear (the limited amount of sleep probably didn't help). After a morning of feeling sorry for ourselves and drinking a lot of water, me, Chloe and Richard (who crashed at the flat) went out to The Rocket in Putney for a huge fry-up and plenty of caffeine. Without any exaggeration, we spent the entire morning and afternoon, laughing endlessly (me and Chloe may have lost a couple of IQ points the night before) at anything and everything. With our bellies filled with food, Chloe headed back home, Richard headed off to visit other friends and I ventured up to visit my mum and brother. I spent the afternoon catching up with the family, watching some tennis, some football and eating even more food that my mum lovingly cooked.

And now I am safely back at my lovely flat, watching some classic The Big Bang Theory. It's been impossible to ignore the storm that has been predicted and I am a little weary of what Monday will bring so I hope everyone living in the south of England stays safe and warm.
Have a great week, everyone!


Roo xx

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