Wednesday 19 March 2014

First sign of spring in the city

I firmly believe that good weather makes everything better; when the sun is shining, all’s bright outside and the birds are singing; how can you help but feel happy?! This weekend, London had some gorgeous weather and I had an amazing weekend to go with it!

Saturday had a slow start; having a rubbish night’s sleep meant that I spent most of the morning in bed, willing myself but unable to get out of bed! When I eventually did get up, me and Richard took a trip to the shop and had a lovely breakfast of muesli, fruit and yogurt (very summery; to go with the summery weather!). We then went out to Wimbledon Park for some tennis – the first attempt of the year! It was great fun, especially with some of my “special” shots which included hiding my face with the racket! Once home, we had lunch, showered and headed out to Central. After a quick trip to some shops to buy my dad’s birthday present, we walked down to Cannon Street to meet my brother before heading up to Tower Bridge. Me and Rudy had to rush off for dad’s birthday dinner at Tayyabs. I mentioned before what a huge fan I am of the restaurant and having not been in a while, I was immensely looking forward to it. And it did not disappoint. Having pre-booked, we were given a table upstairs which had a much calmer and quieter atmosphere. As always, we left dad to make the order; we had a variety of kebabs – chicken and lamb – and two curries. One of them had chicken and lots of spinach which was so good. As per usual, we ate way too much and left with our bellies over-filled but very happy. After dinner, I joined up with Richard again, to head back home and end the evening with a movie night.
After a bit of a lie-in on Sunday, myself and Richard decided to make the most of the beautiful weather and walk up to Richmond Park. The walk up involved walking through Wimbledon Village – where we grabbed some baguettes, olives and dessert at Bailey & Sage (possibly my new favourite food store) – across Wimbledon Common, through a forest of sorts and out into Richmond. By the time we got to the park, we were quite hungry so had lunch in the sun, all of which was delicious  - especially the lemon tart which we had for dessert (I am sure Richard won’t mind me telling the world that I think he was a little in love with it, ha!). We walked some of the food off by going through a forest, out to the deer and around some lakes, basking in the sunshine. Being too tired to walk back, we got the bus home and I passed out a little as soon I lay down on my bed. Later in the evening, Richard had to trek back to Brighton and I spent my evening sorting myself out and preparing for the week ahead.
Photo courtesy of Richard

It was genuinely one of the nicest weekends and I was sad for it to end, with Monday looming. Thankfully, we’re more than half way through the week, with another weekend ahead!



Roo xx

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