Monday, 16 June 2014

Monday with John Mayer at the o2

Yet again, I have fallen a little behind on my blogging; turns out living, sleeping, working and blogging can be a challenging balance to strike. 

It isn't often that I look forward to a Monday which doesn't contain a day off work (in fact this has never happened before) but last Monday was the exception. After what seemed like the longest working day ever, I walked up to London Bridge to meet Richard so we could head up to the o2 for the John Mayer concert. Now I say with immense understatement when I say that Richard is a huge John Mayer fan and when he asked if I wanted to go with him, I was really excited, having not been to a concert in ages and being a bit of a fan of the man myself. 

I must say: John Mayer did not disappoint. The show was absolutely incredible (and he played 3 of my favourite songs!) I also absolutely loved the mixed audience; everyone was there from teenagers to guitar loving grandads and everyone in between. I don't think I can give an apt description of the show but it was genuinely brilliant and completely worth the long journey home and my sleep deprived, zombie state the next morning (by the way, I am not a huge fan of Tuesdays either).
Sadly, this Monday has been far less exciting, but you can't have good Mondays all the time; it's against nature!

Night night, lovlies!


Roo xx

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