I hope everyone's Christmas preparations are going well. Since my Christmas presents are all under the tree and I am too young to have to deal with the stress of organising the technicalities of food-preparation etc, I decided to have a lazy weekend this week. This involved a lot of TV watching and some catch ups with friends and family before the Christmas crazy.
On Friday, I had a lovely catch up with my friend Alex over some pub-grub (I am not much of a pub girl, but it was great to have a catch up). As for Saturday, I met up with my cousin and her two little boys, where she bought the last of her Christmas presents and then we escaped the shops and had some coffee at mine, with the kids watching lots of Tom & Jerry (which
no one can ever be too old for). I spent the rest of the night watching the Big Bang Theory with some super-bad-for-you Dominos pizza (Christmas
is approaching and unhealthy eating is fast coming up
As for today, I finished writing all my Christmas cards, whilst having some Christmas music in the background - the perfect Christmas combination! As for the rest of the day, I will be watching awful Christmas films (don't feel bad for me!) We have Christmas24 - Christmas films on 24 hours a day! They are the typical cheesy, really bad, low-budget Christmas films and I
love them (well some of them)! So that's my incredibly relaxed, unproductive but lovely weekend!
I will be saving the good Christmas films for next week! |
I have also been doing some research for New Year's Eve which has been a
lot more stressful than I thought. I think I left it all too late, with a lot of the places either sold out or atrociously over-priced. I think it will be just me & Chloe for Christmas since a lot of my friends are either not in London or aren't "into" going out. But anyway, I am hopeful that we will find something and have a great New Year's Eve!
As a side-note, what happened in Connecticut is absolutely awful and really heartbreaking. With all the tragedies that have been taking place, it has been lovely to stumble across this website which helped restore my faith in humanity a little. If you haven't already, have a look
Have a wonderful stress-free week, everyone!
Roo xx